Compact Travel Potty Seats That Are Perfect for When Your Child Has to Go


When you’re on-the-go with your child, and your newly p […]

When you’re on-the-go with your child, and your newly potty trained little one has to, well, go, you want to be equipped with a reliable potty training seat. You don’t want to lug around a huge, cumbersome toilet seat in your car or on your stroller. The toilet seat also wants to be safe for your little one, made out of non-toxic materials and non-pinching. If your kid gets a painful pinch from the foldable toilet seat, they might not be keen to get back on it again. Or, alternatively, if the travel seat isn’t secure, your child might slip into the toilet seat, which is equally discouraging and very messy for you.

We rounded up the best travel potty seats that are lightweight, totable, quick to assemble, easy to clean and sturdy. It will make potty training a little easier on you, as a parent. The brightly colored travel seats are still appealing to your kids, while fulfilling all of your requirements. You’ll have to lug it everywhere, after all. You want to make this difficult transition for both you and your child as painless as possible. Having a durable travel toilet seat can help with that, and it makes traveling so much easier. Among our picks is a travel potty seat with pop-up legs and disposable bags for those out-of-the-blue emergencies. We also found a training seat that comes with its own discreet bag, so the whole world doesn’t know you’re carrying a toilet seat.

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