Comparison of different materials of toilet seat


The toilet cover is also a very important part of the t […]

The toilet cover is also a very important part of the toilet. Its main function is to protect the toilet seat and make the entire toilet look harmonious and beautiful. The toilet cover is basically made of plastic, wood, bamboo, urea-formaldehyde cover, stone, and acrylic.

The most common toilet cover on the market is acrylic cover, which has the advantages of long life of moisture and acid resistance, long service life, bright color, easy maintenance and simple cleaning. You can use soap or soft cloth to scrub.

The other is the urea-formaldehyde cover, which has the advantages of good texture, high hardness, sturdiness and durability, and not easy to scratch. Of course, the price is higher than that of Acrylic. The third commonly used cover material is PVC board, which is what we commonly call PP board. Its advantage lies in its low price and is the cheaper of the three materials.

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